Ángeles Marco

(Valencia, 1947 - 2008)

Author's artworks

20th Century Spanish

A true benchmark for contemporary sculpture in Valencia, Marco trained at the San Carlos School of Fine Arts. In 1987 she completed a PhD at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and in 1989 began to teach there at its School of Fine Arts.

A tireless promoter of new languages in sculpture, her personal and innovative style led Ángeles Marco to be regarded as one of the main representatives of minimal and constructivist trends of the time. The ultimate goal of her sculptures was to create an ambiguous perception and to mine the meanings of forms. Her installations are sustained on a narrative sense that demands a consecutive reading of her pieces, always exchangeable in order to use them in other versions yet sticking to the same thematic discourse.

Iron would become Marco’s material of choice, although she also worked with rubber, wax or glass.

Ángeles Marco died on 26th November 2008 in Valencia, at the age of sixty one. She left abundant works now belonging to numerous Spanish institutions, including the provincial councils of Valencia and Alicante, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Madrid, the IVAM in Valencia and the Museo de Bellas Artes in Malaga.

She had solo exhibitions at ARCO, at Galería i Leonarte in Valencia and at the Centre del Carme, organised by the IVAM in 1998. In 1988 she won the Alfonso Roig Award from the Provincial Council of Valencia.