Antonio Sacramento

(Valencia, 1915-2016)

Author's artworks
20th-21st Century Spanish

This self-taught sculptor from Valencia combined his profession as a medical doctor specialised in otorhinolaryngologywith his facet as an artist, in which he worked under the pseudonym Antonio Sacramento. He used his real name and surnames, Fernando Antonio Sacramento Antolí-Candela Piquer, only for his profession.

He came from a long line of medical doctors in Valencia, studied Medicine at the University of Valencia and practiced as a physician until his retirement at the age of 82.

He started out in the art world by studying drawing, working as a poster-maker for the annual Fallasfestival in Valencia and illustrating books of medicine. He soon started to feel the call of sculpture, mostly figurative in the beginning yet little by little gaining complexity on a path towards abstraction.

As from 1960 he began to use iron as his means for expression, using geometric forms and strips to create curves and counter-curves.

His work has been awarded many distinctions, including a Gold Medal at the 2nd Zaragoza Biennial or a Third Medal at the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid, and has been seen both in Spain—Valencia, Barcelona, Alicante—and internationally—New York, Finland.