Miró in Zabalaga

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Exhibition: Miró in Zabalaga
Venue: Chillida Leku Museum, Hernani
Dates: 21 May – 6 November 2022
Curator: Estela Solana

The BBVA Collection is actively involved in the exhibition Miró in Zabalaga through the loan of a number of works on paper which engage in a dialogue with some sculptures, two of them of monumental dimensions, installed in the garden of Zabalaga, Chillida’s caserío or country home, that allow a profound understanding of the art disciplines Miró cultivated throughout his life.

The lithographs and prints by Miró from the 1960s and 1960s in the BBVA Collection evince the diversity of languages of an artist who, starting out from elements drawn from Surrealism and
, gave shape to a highly original style of his own. Particularly germane among the works on display is L’adorateur du Soleil (The Sun Worshipper) (1969), a large-format engraving in which Miró experimented with new printmaking techniques like carborundum, in which he garnered highly innovative results; or Le Lézard aux plumes d’Or (The Lizard with Golden Feathers) (1971), from a portfolio with the same name for which the artist created unique lithographs to illustrate the 23 pages of a text by the artist himself, written by hand on stone.

The show wishes to bear testimony to the close friendship between the Catalan artist and the Basque sculptor who, thanks to this exhibition project, now meet once again at Chillida Leku.
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- Joan Miró, "Serie Mallorca", 1973 -
- Joan Miró, "Serie Mallorca", 1973 -
- Joan Miró, "Serie Mallorca", 1973 -
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